How to Get Into BlockChain Development || Ethereum Guide

Himanshu Singh
Oct 15, 2021

1. Read the Ethereum docs

Scan through the Ethereum docs and be sure to check out the section Intro to Ethereum as well as anything else that catches your eye.

Also be sure to check out the dapp showcase to get a good understanding of the successful apps being built and used in the current ecosystem.

2. Read the Solidity documentation

The Solidity docs are a really good place to get started, especially solidity by example which gives you a few examples of popular smart contracts like voting, an auction, remote purchase, and micropayments.

You can copy and paste these contracts in the Remix IDE to start executing and modifying them to see how they work.

I also did a video walkthrough of the voting contract here.



Himanshu Singh

Freelancer | Entrepreneur | Social Worker | Developer